Author Archives: AC Grindl

Tech, & Security Clearance Career Fair

Category : Uncategorized

Gearing up to for the career fair.  Putting all my social media in order.  Working out the kinks to my websites and looking forward to handing out my resume with my Nfc Qoo device on them.  Ready to talk blockchain and the development of haptics in AR for the near future.

Hello Collision!

Category : Uncategorized

I’m preparing this resume for the Collision conference.  I have many hopes and dreams to accomplish during this short time.  I not only want to find investors but I also want the potential to woo other companies to join my network, and if said be, work for them.

So I’m reaching out to you in this blog post in many ways.  Namely to secure funding, but also endorsements and potential job openings.

So to you I say, I have experience.  I’m a global BD executive with finance and advertising on my side, along with the few kicks for the digital age that you can see with my product demonstration.

Let me be a contact, stay in contact, and let’s share the moment.

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